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William Mellor ‘On The Cass’ Landscape Antique Oil Painting (Study 1) Antique Large o il on Canvas. Painting Description: A nicely executed river landscape study, painted in oils on board and dating roughly to the earlier 20 Painting is signed lower left and then titled Verso beneath the backing board: 'On The Cass' and signed. Possibly a prelimi artist or by a follower of Mellor (Worth further investigation) As the painting comes with no provenance it is sold as m Painting Condition: Very good order Frame Condition: Age related marks, chips etc. Reasonable order. Age: 19th - 20th c Painting Size: 12" x 9.5" Frame size: 18" x 15" Material: Oil on Board William Mellor 1851 - 1931 ? - On The Cass, Study 1

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